The Vamps shock fan on Surprise Surprise

On Sunday’s show, The Vamps surprise a young carer who has gone above and beyond helping her mother with her younger brother and sister and helping other children in need.

Laura Price’s favourite band is The Vamps, she is a massive fan and they surprise her at home with a special gig in her back garden. When her mum goes to pick her daughter up The Vamps take a sneaky peek round her home before they surprise her.

Kay Price, 40 from Leigh-On-Sea is nominating her eldest daughter Laura Price, 15 for her incredible volunteering efforts within her community and her unconditional help at home.

Since the age of three, when her twin siblings Lucy and Alex were born with Joubert’s syndrome, Laura has adopted a hands-on approach to helping her single mother with almost everything from getting them dressed, to cooking meals and assisting with the bedtime routine; all of which can be extremely challenging at times as the rare genetic disorder affects the cerebellum, an area of the brain that controls balance and coordination.

Laura has not only offered her help at home, but has also devoted lots of time in supporting research projects for the disease to help and prevent struggle for other families.

Caring for others is a natural instinct for Laura, and she even volunteers at a local respite group (Toy Library) and Mencap centres for young people with disabilities. She assists on outings, runs activities and her role often includes being a one-to-one carer. Recently, Laura has joined a young carers’ group, helping with other children in a similar situation, giving talks and sharing advice to raise awareness.

With all these commitments Laura admits that she often doesn’t have the time to go out with her friends. However, this doesn’t trouble her, as Laura’s main objective is to spread the word about volunteering and caring, as she feels it is very important for people to understand that people with special needs are simply people, who just require more care.
